Terms and Conditions of Use

This Agreement governs your use of the Mangakawaii.com Website as a User and the provision of your Content as an Author or Contributor. Please read the terms of use set forth below. If you do not agree to all or part of this document, you will not be permitted to use the Mangakawaii.com Website.

1. Description of the Site

Mangakawaii.com is an online publishing and reading platform created in 2016 on the Manga theme and more generally on Asian works of graphic illustration type.

The goal of Mangakawaii is to offer a perennial platform that gathers a maximum of works unlicensed in France and therefore unavailable in the trade. With this in mind, Mangakawaii brings together several French amateur translation teams whose work and projects are disseminated and promoted through multiple tools made available to them by the Site.

We also have partnerships with authors or publishers such as Kiro'o Games for their manga Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan.

2. Registration and Use of the Mangakawaii.com Website

The services of Mangakawaii.com are only available to natural or legal persons with the legal capacity to form contracts. Otherwise, individuals are not permitted to access and use the Website and its services.

Use of the Website is subject to an Agreement between you and Mangakawaii.com Your use of the Website constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that Mangakawaii.com considers your use to be an acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement.

The release of all services provided by Mangakawaii.com is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Section 4.

3. General rules and restrictions to all users

By accessing the Website, you agree to:

  • Not to post any content that does not comply with the Website's Terms of Use
  • Not to copy all or any part of the Website and its services
  • Do not advertise without prior authorization and apart from team recruitment announcements, do not publish links from competing sites.
  • Do not solicit users of the Website for commercial purposes
  • Do not alter the security and availability of the Website via intrusions, denial of service attacks, use of malicious code, etc.
  • Do not alter, modify or deface any part of the Website
  • Not to undertake any action that may constitute an infringement of the financial, commercial, proprietary and moral rights and interests of Mangakawaii.com or another user
  • Not to disclose information that falls under the secrecy of correspondence

You acknowledge and agree that Mangakawaii.com may discontinue providing access to the Website at its own discretion without notice.

You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any breach and the consequences thereof of the provisions and terms of the Agreement. Also, you release Mangakawaii.com from any and all liability for your actions and any violation of law or third party rights.

You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any breach and the consequences thereof of the provisions and terms of the Agreement.

4. User groups

The users of the Website are defined as follows.

An unregistered user is considered a "Visitor." He/she accesses all free parts of the website.

A registered user is considered a "Member", he/she accesses functions of the site that are reserved for him/her, always free of charge.

A registered user who can publish content is a "Contributor." He/she has access to the same privileges as Visitors and Members and, in addition, has access to the interfaces for uploading and administering Content, in order to publish it on the Website. Some Contributors are part of the "Team" group and then have access to features reserved for that group.

A registered user who signs up for a subscription is a "Premium Member." He/she has access to the parts of the site reserved for premium members.

A registered user who can publish content while owning the copyright to said content is an "Author." He/she has access to the same privileges as a Contributor.

The administrators of Mangakawaii.com are the only ones who can choose which Member can become an Author.

Any Contributor who has not submitted any content for 5 months or more will have their account and privileges downgraded to Member level. This does not apply to the Team and Author Group.

Mangakawaii.com reserves the right to change the services and content provided to the Visitor and Member and without notice or notification.

5. Contribution

5.1 Publication of Content

Once the Member has been promoted to the Contributor, Team or Author group, the Member then designated by the common term "Contributor" or "Author" as the case may be, may upload as much Content as he or she wishes. In fact, despite the initial selection, Mangakawaii.com shall not be held responsible for the Content made available by third parties. The Website reserves the right to decide whether the Content complies with the conditions specified in these Terms and Conditions and may remove or delete without notice and in its sole discretion any Content that violates these terms and conditions and to exclude the Author who submitted the Content.

If you are an Author, you retain your intellectual property rights in your Content. However in order to enable the promotion of your digital content, you grant Mangakawaii.com the non-exclusive right to use the Content you submit.

As an Author or Contributor, you also agree that each user of Mangakawaii.com may access the Content you post and that each user may share and use your Content to the extent permitted by the functionality of the Website.

In case a project is more advanced by another Team than the one who has the rights of the form, MK reserves the right to update the project. Except for the affiliated Teams (See the FAQ for more informations).

5.2 Prohibited Content

The Authors or Contributors, agree to:

  • Not submit Content licensed in France AND commercialized. Chapters or episodes not commercially available, however, are permitted.
  • Do not submit Content that is child pornography or promotes child pornography.
  • Do not submit racist, harassing or hateful Content.
  • Do not submit Content already on the Website. By this fact, the duplication of chapters and worksheets is prohibited.

5.3 Deletion of Content

In the event that prohibited Content is posted, Mangakawaii.com reserves the right to remove and delete the aforementioned Content, without notice.

Any request for removal, shall be validated only if:

  • The Content is licensed and commercialized and that you have reported it via the form on the work's record.
  • You own the intellectual property rights to the aforementioned Content.

Any content added by a Contributor can only be deleted, and this, even at the request of said Contributor if one of the two conditions mentioned above is met.

6. Premium Membership

Members may take out a Premium subscription. The subscription is monthly with automatic renewal. Subscriptions are renewed on the anniversary date.

Subscriptions provide access to Content and services reserved exclusively for Premium Members.

7. Website Responsibilities

Mangakawaii.com is acting here as a hosting provider and is committed to ensuring maximum availability of the Content. Nevertheless, the Website shall not be under any general obligation to monitor the Content submitted or be liable for any interruption of service beyond its control.

Mangakawaii.com is not responsible for Content submitted by users and cannot be held liable:

  • In the event of insult or defamatory statements made by a user to another user
  • In case of copyright infringement
  • In case of infection of your computer via Mangakawaii.com
  • In the event that the Mangakawaii.com services and website are interrupted
  • In the event of loss or deletion, accidental or otherwise, of Content
  • In the event of disclosure of your login credentials that is not due to an error by Mangakawaii.com

Nonetheless, Mangakawaii.com is committed to attempting to obtain a solution to the above problems to the extent possible and as quickly as possible.

8. Duration and breach of contract

This contract is for an indefinite term. Mangakawaii.com reserves the right to modify the contract at any time.

For Visitors, Members and Contributors, any modification to this contract will not require explicit agreement, use of the site will be deemed to accept new terms of use.

An Author may request the closure of his account and the deletion of his Content. In this case, the contract will be terminated.